Q: Why does WsW choose to use Memes to Drive Political Discussions?

Thank you for asking this question.  There may be many people who have the same concerns about the use of memes in order to participate in political discussions.

I will give you my short answer first: 

WsW discusses meme’s in order to help us remain engaged and adapted to the conversations of the current social and political climate within our communities, our country, and our world. 

Now for my long answer: 

There are many forms of communication.  The use of memes is not the only way that WsW plans to engage in social and political discourse.  I do not believe that memes are the most effective way to hold a conversation, however I do believe that memes are the most effective way to BEGIN a conversation. 

Essentially, everyone is different.  Some people are auditory, some people are visual, others are experiential.  WsW has no interest in CHANGING the way different people process information, but rather adapting to the way that people process information.  

Since effective communication is an important part of what WsW is about; let’s review several foundational principles that WsW has promoted.

A) Part of the Vision/Mission of WsW is to…

 “Confront those issues that would weaponize Christianity for personal and political gain with the accurate representation and dissemination of the truth of the Word of God for both Christians and non-believers.” (A) 

B) The second step of WsW’s developmental approach is to…

 “Ask Ourselves the difficult questions that face our communities and our country” (B) 

C) The first step in our filtering process toward social and political advocacy is

 “The gathering of information from all resources: laws, news, history, statistics, opinion polls”… and memes. (C) 

That being said, individuals communicate through memes whether we like it or not.  As an organization we can either engage in this communication or we cannot, but the communication of memes will continue even if we do not participate. 

WsW’s Advocacy work strategy is based on the principle of the ‘collective bargaining power’ of Christians and the love of God, but the only way to create collective bargaining power is to address and try to remove those issues that would prevent Christians from ‘collective bargaining’.  Without reducing the sources of division, collective bargaining will become impossible and our advocacy ineffective. 

Internet memes have become a dominant form of discourse.  … regarding topics of conversation, which are usually ideas and concepts of the current society.” (D) 

Although never as widespread as it is now in this age of social media, text combined with pictures has been a medium of communication that has been in existence going as back to before 3100 B.C. hieroglyphs (cave drawings). 

Another shared characteristic of hieroglyphs and memes is the communities that are formed around them…. (historically) Hieroglyphs are only available to a select few…(E) 

But now memes are an active line of communication that is embraced by millions of people around the world.  To ignore this line of communication is counterproductive to the vision and mission of WsW.  

To reach a particular community one needs to speak the language of that community. 

Twitter began as a popularized way to form social bonds through an online, bite-sized format. (and) has since had a large political impact.(E)   

Memes unite people from various, diverse communities, shrinking context from text and pictures delight people.  Then they start to serve a further function in politics.(E) 

Memes “… stick in people’s minds and have an effect.(E) 

Our recent political climate has revealed that there are unspoken ideologies, tropes, and assumptions that have existed for people that have shaped their political perspectives.  These assumptions and tropes have shaped not only our thinking but also the way we interact with the world around us.  Therefore, WsW chooses to utilize meme’s to help to identify those issues that would weaponize Christianity. 

We must acknowledge what is before we can make it better. 

If WsW were to exclude a form of communication, we are by virtue alienating those individuals that have chosen to utilize that form of communication.  As we continue to grow and develop as an organization, we desire to include more and more forms of communication; because our desire is not to exclude anyone, but rather include...whosoever will.    

Discussing the messages that are being sent through memes and then utilizing messages through memes is simply a reality of the world today, WsW chooses to embrace it, adapt to it, and overcome it through and by the blood of Jesus. 

The Apostle Paul said it best. 

Part of Paul’s calling was to preach to the Gentiles (Galatians 2:8), and that required him to change elements of his approach when needed: 

19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” (1 Corinthians 9:19-23, NIV) 

I really like verse 22 in the Mirror Translation. 

“I am so persuaded about everyone person’s inclusion in Christ that I desire to be everything I need to be in order to win everyone’s understanding of their union with Christ.  I do not present myself as super strong to the weak, but rather expose myself to their weaknesses in order to win them.  I do not distance myself from anyone.  My mission is to be exactly what is required of me in every possible situation to bring salvation to every kind of person, whoever they are!” 

Thanks for asking this question. 




A) Whosoever Will - Vision, Mission, and More:  https://5f3fffe48a0d8.site123.me/blog/what-is-whosoever-will

B) WSW Development Timeline 2021: https://youtu.be/P-GThr1A7tE

C) The Balance between Advocacy and Education: https://youtu.be/E-Iq1d50vZg

D) https://medium.com/@courtneychedid/communication-through-internet-memes-83ee3936117f

E) https://www.ubyssey.ca/culture/seize-the-memes-of-discussion/