WsW Manifesto image

WsW Manifesto - A living Document

1 Peter 3:15 says “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give and answer to every man that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”. In this manifesto, we realize that we challenge the paradigm of what is considered common Christian thought this is a part of our asserted efforts to untie the knot of generations of religious deceptions perpetuated by the dark powers that have hindered the Body of Christ as a whole. Although we do not submit to fear, Whosoever Will Biblical Advocacy and Education commits to humbly explain in detail every challenge we put forth for whomever would need further understanding.

Our recent political environment has made it clear to us that not all Christians are alike.

Whosoever Will believes that Christians, have been manipulated by the dark powers[1] for generations into a defunct representation of who God is[2] and what He has called us to be and do[3]. This entrenched acculturation has manifested in the form of a self-righteous, judgmental, fear based, false religion that specializes in condemnation, legalism, and vilification. Resulting in the creation of a collaborative irrational defense of things that are in DIRECT contrast to the work and message of Christ.

Put simply, the church as we have come to know it has been deceived by the devil and his minions for generations into a false form of religion that is completely opposite to who Christ is or what he has called for us to be.

Whosoever Will Biblical Advocacy and Education is a gathering of those believers who wish to bring Christ back as the central theme for Christianity – the rock on which we stand[4]. Restoring Him as the ‘Corner Stone’ of our social and political activity just as he is in our personal lives.

The summer of 2020 revealed to us that just like tares sewn among wheat[5], mainstream Christianity had been hijacked and colonized[6] by the dark demonic powers. It became abundantly clear that common Christian terminology and ideology had been co-opted for personal and political gain. Facts twisted, meanings distorted, and motives hidden; so much so that today’s traditional church resembles that of the Pharisees[7] rather than that of Christ.

Although faith and religion has always played a significant role in the American political system[8]. Once upon a time, under the guise of the separation of Church and State, it was socially inappropriate for people of faith who ‘named the name of Jesus’ to openly discuss how their faith in Christ affected their social and political choices.

This false decorum has been used by the dark powers to silence the Body of Christ by lulling us into a form of complacency and apathy that cleared a path for false prophets, naysayers, and demigods to dominate the faith-based conversation in a way that misrepresents whom we personally know God to be.[9]

In retrospect, we can now see that this was in part a maneuver of religious and political leaders to prevent believers from seeking God for themselves and to corral people of faith into a convenient voting[10] block by which those seeking power and control can manipulate our society in a way that gives them personal, political, and financial gain.

It fostered an ever-narrowing concept of God by which the self-righteous, the sanctimonious, and the power hungry were able to exact judgements upon those whom they deemed unworthy.

As a whole, we can see by the fruit[11] that has been produced by the traditional church that it has been preoccupied with religious traditions and denominational debates rather than rising above these pointless, fruitless distractions enacted by the dark forces to hinder our ability to embrace our true calling as Disciples of Jesus Christ[12] and as Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.

Historically the traditional church has COLLECTIVELY chosen to remain SELECTIVELY silent about far too many injustices, far too many abuses, far too man inhumanities.

We can only assume that the reason for this is that there are controlling dark forces within religion that are more concerned with maintaining control rather than develop into the intermediaries of the burden removing yoke destroying power of God.[13]

We stand in opposition to the SELECTIVE silence of the traditional church with a CLEAR DISTINCT vocality as Disciples of Jesus Christ.[14]

Proclaiming that ‘There is a difference’!

Whosoever Will is composed of those members of the Body of Christ who now realize how deep the rabbit hole goes and understand that…

Ignorance is no longer an option.

Apathy is no longer an option.

Complacency is no longer an option.

And silence is no longer an option.

It is now ABUNDANTLY clear to us that there needs to be a distinction within the church from those who KNOW Christ personally and those who just proclaim him publicly.

WsW is the gathering together of Christians who are committed to being Disciples of Jesus Christ and functioning as the Body of Christ[15]. We come together from every denomination or even no denomination to our advocacy work because we believe that God has his disciples spread throughout the world.

The members of Whosoever Will are those Christians who have chosen to no longer ignore the disparity that we see within the traditional church. Therefore, in order to distinguish tares from wheat, we have chosen to embrace and even amplify the distinctions in order to reflect the greater one who lives on the inside of us.

We commit to publicly displaying the Christ that we have personally come to know.

Whosoever Will was birth in the spirit, by the spirit, so that through the spirit these distinctions will become abundantly clear.[16]

As a result, we cast off every weight and sin that would so easily beset us and we embrace our opportunity to walk in the fullness of the Living word of God. In obedience to the guidance, we have individually received from the Holy Spirit we choose to use our collective voices, abilities, influence, and most importantly FAITH to alter the trajectory of the Christian conversation in the social and political sphere.[17]

We choose a new structure…
based on a new framework…
to articulate a new language, one that is void of contra-Christ ideologies to where…

Our presence demands an explanation as we reflect Christ Jesus to all mankind.

All of life is an incarnation of the divine. In particular, all of mankind is an incarnation of the divine God and has the capacity to bear the image of the divine God. ‘Whosoever Will’ Advocates are those individuals who have come into a personal revelation of their own capacity to be image bearers of the divine God who lives within them.

We are those who have made reflecting the image of the divine God through our lives our supreme priority above religion, denomination, politics, political parties, or affiliations.

WsW does not believe that there is anything inherently wrong with religion in general or the religions of our members as long as religion is viewed as a personal practice not a universal truth and that a person’s personal relationship with God is deemed a priority to be respected by others[18].

To be clear, we make no apologies for or faith and we in no way retract from our position of faith, however it is because of the development of our faith that the love of God is now our nature[19].

Our Mission is to ACCURATELY translate the truth of the word of God (which is Christ Jesus) into PRACTICAL healthy, constructive, social, and political approaches of interacting with our communities, our nation, and our world, while being fully aware and respectful that not everyone believes in the Word of God (which is Christ Jesus).

Not only is it our belief that is it ENTIRELY possible for believers to interact with others in a non-accusatory, non-adversarial way, but we further believe that it is the TRUE assignment of God through Jesus Christ and what it means to be lights in the midst of darkness[20].

We are more interested in organizing our doing not our saying; because we are committed to loving not just in our words but in our deeds, and because it is the goodness of God that brings a man to repentance.

No more rhetoric!

The social and political climate has been inundated with bombastic conversations that make it difficult to discern the truth from the lie. Whosoever Will has absolutely no interest in rhetoric.

We choose to venture beyond typical pithy Christian one liners, bumper stickers, and t-shirts into a deeper conversation in reference to the things of God. We are fully aware that there are those within the Body of Christ who are comfortable with the superficial. We however most assuredly are not.

For WsW Advocates the status quo is no longer acceptable. The weaponization of Christ is no longer acceptable. A defunct religion is no longer acceptable. The misrepresentation of the Love of God is no longer acceptable. Because these things are no longer acceptable to us, we take back the meaning of the word Church. We take back the meaning of the word Christian. We take back the meaning of the word Jesus. We take back the meaning of the phrase ‘The WORD of God’ and we restore it to its ORIGINAL intent.

In short, we believe the message of Christ has been corrupted[21], and we choose to a) reveal the corruption and b) not allow any corrupt communication to proceed out of our mouths (Ephesians 4:29). We choose to speak that which is good to the use of EDIFYING, that it may minster GRACE unto the hearers!

For this reason, others will see that we are just as interested to proclaiming the true gospel message back to the traditional Christian church as we are to the world at large.

Advocacy within the economic system?
Okay, what does Love look like within the Economic system?

Advocacy within the Healthcare system?
Okay, what does Love look like within the healthcare system?

Advocacy within Criminal Justice system?
Okay, what does Love look like within the criminal justice system?

Advocacy within the Welfare system?
Okay, what does Love look like within the welfare system?

Because tares look so much like wheat, we are required to be ACCOUNTABLE for our assertions so that it may shed light on the differences. This light brings clarity to what makes us distinctive. We shed this light only to inform others how we differ, and to invite those who agree to join our advocacy work.

Therefore, clarity is imperative to the success of our advocacy group. For this reason, WsW has created the WsW Biblical Education. The purpose of WsW Biblical Education is simply to show the difference.[22]

We shed this light for internal education, clarification, and conversation not for not for external consideration. We shed this light because it is who we chose to be and why. Which is why we are not interested in debating with those who differ, condemning those who differ, nor even eliminating those who differ.

We are interested in making the differences apparent to everyone, Christians, and non-Christians alike.

Whosoever Will Advocates (WsWA’s) Embrace their divine assignment to be in this world yet not of it by reflecting back to the world the truth of who we know God to be through Christ and what has been written on our hearts.

'Whosoever will' is not a church. It is not a ministry. It is not a religious organization. Legally speaking 'Whosoever Will' is an advocacy group. However, our primary mission is to combat the deceptive, abusive, and manipulative, use of Christian religious teachings that have been used for political and personal gain with a clear sound Biblical understanding of the word of God (which is Christ Jesus). Then translate those teachings into policy that we do NOT force on anyone, but advocate for with those of a like mind.

WsW strategy is to uncover, recover, and discover what it means to make Christ Jesus our Corner Stone and implement this in our social and political actions to all people everywhere whether they personally name the name of Jesus or not[23].

In other words, WsW fully intends to demonstrate the love of God to others in every political party, every religion, every denomination, every race, every sexual identity, every sexual preference, every nationality, every creed, every age, because that is WHAT JESUS WOULD DO (WWJD)!

WsW’s intention is not to convert others to Christianity. WsW intention is to REPRESENT CHRIST to others.

We therefore as believers live our lives as an example of the way the truth and the life. We chose to serve as lights in the midst of darkness. Because it is the goodness of God that leads a man to repentance. No more, no less.

For us, this is about the journey not the outcome. We leave the outcome to the Alpha and the Omega. We are here to discover what is possible when Disciples of Jesus Christ come into agreement. We are here to see the manifestation of what we see in the spirit and by the Holy Spirit.

Reflecting God…. Reflecting Christ[24] is why we do what we do.

We have no interest in elevating any one person or politician. Our only interest is in elevating Christ by our example.

WsW considers every member, every partner, and every friend to be on the front line of this distinction. Whether that be in their homes, their communities, their churches, their states, or their countries.

Christianity is an individual choice; therefore, due to our internal faith-based Advocacy Methodology,[25] it is likely that those whom we advocate WITH will be fewer in number then those whom we advocate FOR.

Those who are not Christian and those Christians who have not chosen to be Disciples of Jesus Christ need not be concerned about whether Whosoever Will intends to advocate for social and political issues in a manner that forces them to live by laws that have not been divinely written on their heart.

Therefore, it is our hope that non-believers are at peace interacting with members of Whosoever Will, and even partnering with us when our advocacy objectives agree.

Naturally, as Christians it will always be our desire that everyone come into a personal relationship with Christ. However, soul winning is not the objective of our group. Our interest is in reflecting the fullness of the conversion that has taken place within us not forcing that conversion on others.

We recognize that conversion is a personal choice that we choose to always respect.

Secretly it will always be our hope that the light that is seen in us inspires others to join in the revelation that we have received, however we are not God, and we trust Him with each person’s individual journey in life. We understand that each person is a free moral agent with the right to choose their path, just as we are free moral agents with the right to choose our path.

WsW Advocates are individuals who have chosen to embrace the opportunity to walk in the fullness of the LIVING word more than WRITTEN word.[26]

Often Christians believers have thought that our right to choose started and ended with our choice to receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and savior, however this is an incomplete assumption. We can choose God every moment of every day in every way.

WsW Advocates are those who continuously choose the God we personally know, over the God that has been pre-packaged to us by the traditional Church.

We staunchly combat any, current or future, issue that would weaponize Christ and Christianity for personal or political gain with the accurate representation and dissemination of the truth of the word of God for both Christians and nonbelievers.