• WsW is designed to be a dialogue not a monologue.  During each WsW Week where the members are having social and political discussions, we also spot light a WsW Pillar for group discussion.  This week was Pillar #15: Love gives truth its voice we love in deed and in truth

Website: https://www.whosoeverwilladvocates.org/

Facebook Front Page: @WhosoeverWillFrontPage ; https://fb.me/WhosoeverWillFrontPage

Facebook Group (members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/whosoeverwilladvocates/


Instagram:  wswadvocates

YouTube:  Whosoever Will (@whosoeverwill1013)

Twitter: WhosoeverWill

Email: Whosoeverwilladvocates@yahoo.com

Clubhouse App (Monthly Town Hall Meetings): https://www.clubhouse.com/club/wsw-advocacy-open?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=vhKdt4hLqA5TEAFWcb_osg-633024

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