07/03 – 07/09; WsW Week: History of the 4th of July 

07/09 – WsW Live: Pillar Talk with Mintresa (3 Pillars)

07/10 – WsW Live: Pillar of the Week in Review; Pillar #13: “Religion is a personal preference, but a relationship with God through the finished works of Jesus is a necessity.

07/16 - WsW Live: Making the Distinctions with Kiesha: Police Brutality

07/17 – 07/23; WsW Week: Federalism vs Stronger Local Governments

07/20 – WsW Open Town Hall Meeting; Police Brutality

07/23 – WsW Live: Uncharted Territory: The Me2We Transition

07/24 – WsW Live: Pillar of the Week in Review, Pillar #14: “The Most Valuable Commodity on the Planet is the life of another human being.”

07/30 – WsW Live: Making the Distinctions with Kiesha: The Pharisee Spirit

07/31 – 08/06; WsW Week: Evolution of the US Court System

Website: https://www.whosoeverwilladvocates.org/

Facebook Front Page: @WhosoeverWillFrontPage ; https://fb.me/WhosoeverWillFrontPage

Facebook Group (members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/whosoeverwilladvocates/

Instagram:  wswadvocates

YouTube:  Whosoever Will (@whosoeverwill1013)

Twitter: WhosoeverWill

Email: Whosoeverwilladvocates@yahoo.com

Clubhouse App (Monthly Town Hall Meetings): https://www.clubhouse.com/club/wsw-advocacy-open?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=vhKdt4hLqA5TEAFWcb_osg-633024

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