WsW, August 2026
07.31-08.06; WsW Week: The Evolution of the US Court System
08.06; Pillar Talk with Mintresa; Pillar #16: Judging issues not people and Pillar #17: Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.
08.07; Pillar Recap and Review; Pillar #15: Love gives truth its voice; We love in deeds and in truth.
08.13; Making the Distinctions; Police Brutality
08.14-08.20; WsW Week: The Evolution of the US Court System (Continued)
08.17; Open Town Hall Meeting; Police Brutality
08.20; Uncharted Territories: Me2We Transition
08.21; Pillar Recap and Review; Pillar #16: Judging Issues Not People
08.27; Making the Distinctions; ‘You might be a Pharisee if…’
08.28-09.03; WsW Week: Pro Choice vs. Pro Life
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