Pillar Talk
  • The purpose of the WsW Pillar shows is to clarify the context (or common foundations) by which WsW Advocates will have their social and political conversations.  Join Joy and Mintresa as they continue their monthly WsW Pillar Discussions.  Pillar #16: Judging issues not people.  Pillar #17: Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.

Website: https://www.whosoeverwilladvocates.org/

Facebook Front Page: @WhosoeverWillFrontPage ; https://fb.me/WhosoeverWillFrontPage

Facebook Group (members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/whosoeverwilladvocates/


Instagram:  wswadvocates

YouTube:  Whosoever Will (@whosoeverwill1013)

Twitter: WhosoeverWill

Email: Whosoeverwilladvocates@yahoo.com

Clubhouse App (Monthly Town Hall Meetings): https://www.clubhouse.com/club/wsw-advocacy-open?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=vhKdt4hLqA5TEAFWcb_osg-633024

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