• WsW is designed to be a dialogue not a monologue.  We hold a monthly open town hall meeting through the clubhouse app where we discuss those issue facing our community, our country and our world.  We want to hear from you.  You do not have to be a member, or a Christian for your input to matter.  This month we are continuing the conversation on Police Brutality.

Clubhouse App (Monthly Town Hall Meetings): https://www.clubhouse.com/club/wsw-advocacy-open?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=vhKdt4hLqA5TEAFWcb_osg-633024

hey - you should join us tomorrow at 08:00 PM EDT for "WsW Open Town Hall: Police Brutality". https://www.clubhouse.com/invite/hObBZ0y3 

Website: https://www.whosoeverwilladvocates.org/

Facebook Front Page: @WhosoeverWillFrontPage ; https://fb.me/WhosoeverWillFrontPage

Private Facebook Discussion Group (members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/whosoeverwilladvocates/


Instagram:  wswadvocates

YouTube:  Whosoever Will (@whosoeverwill1013)

Twitter: WhosoeverWill

Email: Whosoeverwilladvocates@yahoo.com

Clubhouse App (Monthly Town Hall Meetings): https://www.clubhouse.com/club/wsw-advocacy-open?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=vhKdt4hLqA5TEAFWcb_osg-633024

#wsw #politicaladvocacy #whosoeverwilladvocates #wswa #WSWA_DJC_WWJC #WSW_Me2We_Transition #ChristiansIndependants #Christainliberals #Christainconservatives #Christianadvocacy #disciplesofjesuschrist #wwjd #chruchlife #biblicaladvocacy #christianreligion #Christianity #jesus #christian #faith #bible #god #gospel