• As the WsW family prepares for the upcoming premier of the podcast: ‘You Might Be a Pharisee if…”.  Keisha and Joy continue their foundational teaching on the Pharisee spirit.  What is the Pharisee spirit?  Why is it a problem?  How do we recognize it?  How do we overcome it?  Why it is important for the Pharisee spirit to be confronted when it comes to social and political advocacy work for Christians?

Website: https://www.whosoeverwilladvocates.org/

Facebook Front Page: @WhosoeverWillFrontPage ; https://fb.me/WhosoeverWillFrontPage

Facebook Group (members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/whosoeverwilladvocates/


Instagram:  wswadvocates

YouTube:  Whosoever Will (@whosoeverwill1013)

Twitter: WhosoeverWill

Email: Whosoeverwilladvocates@yahoo.com

Clubhouse App (Monthly Town Hall Meetings): https://www.clubhouse.com/club/wsw-advocacy-open?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=vhKdt4hLqA5TEAFWcb_osg-633024

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