1 min read
15 Apr


A member of our future has been senselessly taken away.  One less to carry the torch forward is gone. One less male member, which further adds to the imbalance of our community. One additional broken family, one additional hurt circle of friends, and tragically through the power of our own witness of yet another murder on video, one new fracture for the whole community.

In addition to the fatal tragedy, we have witnessed George Floyd being blamed for his own murder in court, we witnessed a black person in full military uniform being assaulted by local police and we witnessed black children waiting patiently for their food as their white classmates were eating their meals at a Kids-R-Kids daycare.  

With that said, I wonder if it is enough to hold our attention this time? Will these tragedies convince you that we must care for the whole Black community 24/7/365?  Will you maintain the thought this time that our community includes every man, woman and child regardless of age, religious affiliation, sex or socioeconomic standing? 

How many days will it be this time before the distractions come?  Will it be new pandemic concerns or perhaps an election that will take our attention away? Is there another Capitol to storm?  Is there a new border concern or Heaven forbid another senseless mass shooting? 

No matter how much calamity arises in this world, no matter if it is a natural disaster, rumors of war, a pandemic, or more poor decisions at the hands of law makers ... no matter the next big event in sports and entertainment ... no matter the next set of countless commercials that attempt to blend our families in an effort to depict that we are in some post racial era ... 

NOTHING should allow you to forget that our WHOLE COMMUNITY is UNDER ATTACK this time. And again, the whole community is every man, woman and child regardless of age, religious affiliation, sex or socioeconomic standing. Maintain your focus! Notice how every other community maintains their self interests through every life event?  No other race is challenged to lay down its own self interests because of a tragedy or a new cause that arises outside of their community.  

If our women lose, the essence and soul of the community is gone! If our men lose, the protection and strength of the community is gone! If our seniors lose, our wisdom and guidance is gone.  And if our children lose, our joy, hope and very existence is gone forever. 

I CHALLENGE YOU TO MAINTAIN YOUR FOCUS & LOVE FOR THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY! Resist attacking one another openly on social media and remember we are all in this together!

Author: Confidential